Day wise date and their names in SQL

Here is how we can get, day wise date and their names by using simple SQL query.

DECLARE @cntr  int = 1;
DECLARE @DayNumber  int = (DATEDIFF(dd,dateadd(dd, 1-day(GETDATE()),GETDATE()), dateadd(m,1,dateadd(dd, 1-day(GETDATE()),GETDATE()))))
DECLARE @monthNumber  int = (MONTH(GETDATE()))
DECLARE @yearNumber  int = (YEAR(GETDATE()))

--DECLARE Table to Store the final output
DECLARE @WeekTable as TABLE (Sr int IDENTITY(1,1), vDate Date, vDayName Varchar(10), DayNumber int)

WHILE @cntr <=@DayNumber
     DECLARe @Date as date
     SET @Date = CAST(''+CAST(@monthNumber as varchar(2))+''+'/'+''+CAST(@cntr as varchar(2))+''+'/'+''+CAST(@yearNumber as varchar(4))+'' as date)

     --Insert record into table
           INSERT INTO @WeekTable (vDate, vDayName, DayNumber)
           VALUES (@Date, DATENAME(DW,@Date), DATEPART(DW,@Date))
     SET @cntr = @cntr+1

--Get the final output

SELECT  * FROM @WeekTable
