ASP.Net Interview Questions

Here are some important questions which used to ask in Interview.

Q. what is Static Keyword in ASP.Net?
A. In Asp.Net Static is like as constant variable but it can we change, and we can access the variables without creating any instances.
Q. What is the difference between Hidden Field and View State?
A. Hidden Fields are not secure for data, and View State is secure for data handling, View State can handle large amount of data but Hidden Field cannot.
Q. What is default session time out in, how can we modify it?
A: Default Session time out for Application in ASP.Net is 20 minutes; we can modify it from web.config file.
Q. What is the difference between Boxing and Unboxing?
A: Converting value type in reference type process is known as Boxing; unlike converting reference type to value type is UnBoxing.
Q. What are the main differences between value type and Reference Type?
A. In value type t contains variables, reference type are not containing value directly in its memory.
Memory allocation is managed by heap in reference type and in value type memory allocation done by Stack.
Q. Explain different levels of State Management in ASP.Net?
A: This is the process where you can maintain process of the page information over requests;
·         Client State Management: using Client State Management we can manage the state over the client computer. Here are types of Client State Management:
o    View State
o    Control State
o    Hidden Fields
o    Cookies
o    Query String
·         Server Side Management:
o    Application State

o    Session State
