How to Create Your First SSRS Report?

What is SSRS?
                                     SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) which a component of Microsoft SQL Server known as BI (Business Intelligence)
BI Contains the flowing part as
·         SSIS  (SQL Server Integration Services)
·         SSAS (SQL Server Analytics Services)
·         SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services)
With the help of BI Reporting Services we can create a very much fancy and graphically Dashboard type of Report with the help of
·         Table, Matrix (Tabular Report)
·         Graphical (Chart)
·         Spark line(Trend)
·         Gauge (Top and Bottom Point and many more
·         With the help of SSRS we can export our report in the form of (.PDF, .TTF, .XLS etc)
You can install SSRS with the help of installing the SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008 (it is the components of SQ Server 2005-2008). You need to select the option while installing the SQL Server 2005-08 and select SQL Server Reporting Services Components.

How to Create your First SSRS Report?
Before you start creating your first SSRS Report, you first need the development environment (with the help of that you can create .rdl (report definition language) file). You need to install BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio). It is available easily on Microsoft Website or you can install it while installing you Visual Studio 2010.
After your successful installation. Open your Visual Studio and go to Reporting Services and create your new project.
After creating your project, first you need to create a report file (.rdl) and then  Data Source (Data Connection with your Database). You need to give your Database Server Name, Authentication and Database Name.
After completing the step above, you need to create your Dataset (Data Storage from your Database Server as per your report Requirement). In your Dataset you need to write a query or use your already defined stored procedures.
After completing the above both the steps, now you’re able to create your report, you need to Drag Control (Table, Matrix, chart etc) from Toolbox from Left Pane.
 For Example if you want to created a simple Table report then drag a table from Toolbox and put it to on your report, now you need to go To Table Property and set the Dataset (you created before) and drag the columns into your table.  
Now preview your report and see the output. You can design your report by clicking on your control and design by going their property on right pane of the report.
Now you are ready to deploy your report on server, but before this you need to set  your server path where you need to deploy it. By default the SQL Server Reporting path stands on (http://localhost/Reports) to view the report. See your report on clicking the specific report folder and path.
I hope you enjoy the topic. There are many more things to share with all of you guys like SSRS Expression, Advantage of using Cube in SSRS Reports, formatting the SSRs Report (to create impressive Dashboard). I will try to share you all the important topics related to SSRS.
If you guys are having any doubt , please come up with your queries and ideas. I will be very much appreciated.

