Some Imp Points for SSRS Report

Here are the few points you need to remember:

1. In Report Viewer we set  PromptAreaCollapsed to True to report parameter area in toggle state.
2. KeepSessionAlive to be set True, to set your asp session alive
3. ZoomMode to be set PageWidth to capture the full width area of the browser when report shows on Browser
4. If your report doesnt render properly on browser check your report viewer (which version you are using) if it is lower then update the new version of ReportViewer Control.
5. After updating the Report Viewer to latest Version, if report doesnt seems to work fine, facing the issue regarding the Indicator (most probabaly indicator does not render proper in table or matrix).So keep rectange inside
   table cell and then Indicattor withe proper alignemnt). I hope this solutions will work for you..

Some Imp Points:
A. If you want to filter multiple parameter in table use Expression with IN operator with @parameter
B. =Fields!Type_Name.Value+"(#PERCENT{p0})" --to set 3D property Value of x-axis along with Value

Custom Attributes pie Label style to set OutSide..
C. =Lookup (Fields!CName.Value, Fields!CName.Value,Fields!CCity.Value,"myDataset")
D. =Join(Fields!Code.Value,",") --joins with ',' seperated value..
E.Want to set Dyanmic Height of the report chart then use the below code:

F. 1.If you want to co-ordinate your value with labels in 3D-pie chart then concatenate the #percent like this Fields!Type_Name.Value+"(#PERCENT{p0})"
