Error Handling in using Global.asax

Error Handling through Global.asax in ASP.Net
Hello Guys,
Here I am going to discuss you about some basic concept of error handling via Global.asax file. Do you know why we are going to use it? If no then know that it very much cases we get error while our site is up and error occurred while visiting the site on runtime (random error) unpredictable.  
So we can create one log file to trace the error on daily basis, and it is very much easy to trace the error.
Here are few steps to do the so:
Step: 1 Create Global.asax file
Step: 2 write the error handling code in
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Exception ex = Server.GetLastError().GetBaseException();
        string errorText = "Error DateTime: " + DateTime.Now + "
        errorText += "**********************************************************************************";
        errorText += "Error Message: " + ex.Message + "
        errorText += "Error URL: " + Request.Url.ToString() + "
        errorText += "Error Source: " + ex.Source + "
        errorText += "Target Site: " + ex.TargetSite + "
+ "
        errorText += "**********************************************************************************";
//Write the file on server.
        string strFileName = "ErrorLog"
                                + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month
                                + "-" + DateTime.Now.Day
                                + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year
                                + ".txt";
        strFileName = Server.MapPath("~") + "\\ErrorLog\\" + strFileName;

        File.AppendAllText(strFileName, errorText);

Step: 3 use the below namespace on top of the Global.asax file
<%@ Application Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Net" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Net.Mail" %>

Step:4 Create ErrorLog directory in your website

Now you have done. Now in each and every error you will trace it in log files.
