Show Hide Div using JQuery

Hello Guys,

Here I am sharing you new experience of JQuery to show hide Div. Just check it out..
<html><title>Show hide Div using JQuery</title> </head> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $undefineddocument).readyundefinedfunctionundefined){ $undefined".myDiv").hideundefined); $undefined'a').mouseoverundefinedfunctionundefined){ $undefined".myDiv").slideToggleundefined); }); }); </script> <style> .myDiv { background-color: #CDCDCD; margin-top:10px; border-bottom:2px solid #CCCCCC; } </style> </head> <body> <a href="#">Show/hide</a> <div class="myDiv"> I feel Lucky.. <a href="#">hide</a></div> </body> </html> Here we go..
Show hide Div using JQuery Show/hide
I feel Lucky.. hide
