I was facing issue on dynamic binding image on page.
Actually the scenario was users uploads the image depends on them how many they
uploads. On front-end I wanted to show the images uploaded by the users, I don’t
want to use any heavy aso.net control the reason behind it can be one or two
images also.
I thought if I bind images in my html Image control with
source, It would be very helpful. I found the solution it’s very easy and really
fast. Here is the code:
.aspx page:
Below I have used a Div control with runat server attribute
to make server control to bind the runtime image(s).
<div id="divImg" runat="server">div>
protected void
Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
uploaded files from upload directory
protected void BindUploadFiles()
//the path of directory
where your uploaded images belong
di = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("~/Upload/"));
//get the all
uploaded images
fi = di.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
(FileInfo fileExistInDir in fi)
//declare Html
Image Control for each images
img = new HtmlImage();
//bind the image
source with image control
img.Src = "Upload/"
+ fileExistInDir.Name;
img.Width = 150;
img.Height = 100;
"5px"); //for image padding
img.Style.Add("border", "solid 1px Green"); //image border
//Add image
control (child) with parent (div) control
And finaly press F5 to run
the application. See how it displays.