Things to know about SQL stored procedure vs SQL query in application

We never tried to find out the exact difference between SQL stored procedure and inline sql statement in our application. We just assume like both functionalities are same. But it exactly it is not. We overcome the inline sql statement using stored procedure; using stored procedure is not just make our application suitable but also make sql query (procedure) reusable. Here we found some important points which put in the picture to use SQL stored procedure not inline sql query. Here we go...

a.       SQL procedure does not impact our running application. Because it is on our sql server not in our application whereas in SQL statement are used in application side, we need to make changes in our application so some how we need to take some down time for.
b.      SQL Procedures are reusable (it can be used in another Forms/ Pages/ Classes) while inline SQL statement is not reusable it can be only used in the same form or pages.
c.       SQL Procedure takes less development time and convenient. It is very easy to debug our query while in SQL statement we can not trace error on immediate effect.
d.       SQL Procedure can be used to log errors using built-in SQL function RAISERROR to writing the error log.
e.       SQL Procedure prevents SQL injection which is very dangerous for our application database while SQL statement can not so it is better to use SQL Procedure.

So by all above of the points we reached at final conclusion why to use SQL procedure over SQL statements. It is beneficial in performance (because stored procedures are already compiled while sql statement compiles every time when executed), security, reusability and also flexible.   


Cranky in Texas said…
thank you for your post. it helped me to decide which route to take...
VedPathak said…
Thanks Cranky,

It's my pleasure to getting your valuable feedback. I keep writing the useful points which is used in our programming life..
