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Why to use SET NOCOUNT ON Statement in SQL?

By default in every Sql statement / stored procedure returns a message that indicates number of affected rows after sql query got executed. This information is useful while you are building your sql query or procedure (in debugging) otherwise there is no use of it.
By using SET NOCOUNT ON; we can reduce much more extra network traffic. So when your procedure is ready use as below given example. It will make your query rapid and great.

CREATE PROC dbo.ProcedureName
SELECT column FROM dbo.Table

Why to use Schema name with SQL objects?

Everyone knows about SQL Schema, but have we used it in our daily life query or stored procedure? We will have a look about advantages of using schema with our SQL object.
 Schema name should be used with the stored procedure and with all sql objects referenced inside the stored procedure. This will help sql server to directly finding the complied plan instead of searching the objects in other schemas. It also improves the stored procedure’s performance. Therefore, always refer the objects with qualified name in the stored procedure like

SELECT column_name FROM dbo.TableName          

SELECT column_name FROM TableName

Naming Convention of stored procedures

We are very good programmer and following excellent standards when it comes with naming convention in our code or sql query. But sometimes we missed out something which is very important but looks very tiny. Here are one of the example we really never realize.

While wring the stored procedure we use any of the naming prefix i.e (sp_). We should never use the stored procedure name as prefix sp_ it consider it is a system defined stored procedure and search into the system objects (master database).

So while you are creating your stored procedure use something like usp_ or on your choice name but not sp_.

Use Exist instead of SELECT COUNT (*)

When we want to check existence of record whether it is in our We are very much familiar with SELECT count  statement but here is the better solution to find our the existence of record into tables.

IF EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Table WHERE column1 = 'abc' AND column2 = 'xyz')
    Print 'Yes'
    Print 'No'

the above statement get executed return ‘Yes’ / ‘No’ as per condition whether it is true or false.
