Working with WCF (windows communication foundation)

I heard a lot about WCF but I was not using it, so it was so far from my touch. One day I did some RND on that and found some interesting thing. Which I have mentioned in my previous post on WCF.

Here I m going to explain you, how it works. Just a simple demo and you will get it within 15 minutes. Here we go:

Step: 1
First open Visual Studio 2008 and click file --> Select New --> Website

Step: 2
 Add new Item as WCF Service and give name for WCF (myWCF) Service and click OK 

Step: 3
Open IService.cs and write the below code

public interface IService
    string Welcome(string Name);
    int AddNumber(int a, int b);

Step: 4
Open Service.cs and write the below code

public class Service : IService
    public int AddNumber(int a, int b)
        int c = a + b;
        return c;

    public string Welcome(string msg)
        return "My Lovely WCF Sample " + msg;


Step: 5
Right click on solution explorer and add ‘Add Service Reference’, write your service URL in Address filed i.e. (http://localhost/WebSite1/Service.svc). Click on go to check your services will show in two panel services and operations. Now click on OK. Now your services registered successfully.

Step: 6
Open your Default.aspx.cs page and use namespace as ‘using myWCF;’ and write below code to access your WCF services.
myWCF.ServiceClient objWCF = new ServiceClient();

if (!IsPostBack)
           //call my lovely WCF Service
protected void CallWCFService()
  //check one by one services
        //lblMessage.Text = objWCF.Welcome("ved ");
        lblMessage.Text = objWCF.AddNumber(4, 6).ToString();
 Please send feedback if you have any suggestion on any post to make it more powerful.
