Dynamic Image Mouse Over and out using JavaScript Asp.net (C#)

Write below code in .aspx page in head tag

   <script language="javascript">
 function ShowPic(Image)
Image = "ved/Uploads/" + Image;
 //Image – need to pass your image folder location
 document.getElementById('ShowEnlarge').style.display = 'block';
 document.getElementById('ShowEnlarge').src = Image;
 function HidePic()
 document.getElementById('ShowEnlarge').style.display = 'none';

Write below code in

<asp:Image ID="img1" runat="server" Height="100" Width="120" /><br />
<asp:Image ID="img2" runat="server" Height="100" Width="120" /><br />
<asp:Image ID="img3" runat="server" Height="100" Width="120" /><br />
<asp:Image ID="img4" runat="server" Height="100" Width="120" /><br />
<asp:Image ID="img5" runat="server" Height="100" Width="120" /><br />
<img name="ShowEnlarge" id="ShowEnlarge" src="" style="display:none;" width="450" height="350">

Wrtite below code to bind images on runtime mouse over and out effects

protected void GetImages()
        DataTable dtImges = objDAL.getDataTable("SELECT TOP 5 ImageName FROM Images");
        int i = 1;
        if (dtImges.Rows.Count > 0)
            foreach (DataRow drImage in dtImges.Rows)
                string imgName = drImage["ImageName"].ToString();

                string strImageControl = "img" + (i).ToString();
                Image img = (Image)Page.FindControl(strImageControl);

                img.ImageUrl = "~/ved/Uploads/" + imgName;
                img.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "ShowPic('" + imgName + "');");
                img.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "HidePic();");

I am sure this is very simplest way to bind dynmaic effect on runtime images.

Think simple be great.  
