BASIC SQL Statements:

SQL stands for “Structured Query Language” and can be pronounced as “SQL” or “sequel. SQL commands used in SQL programming for SELECT Statement, UPDATE Statement, INSERT INTO Statement, DELETE Statement, WHERE Clause, ORDER BY Clause, GROUP BY Clause, ORDER Clause, Joins, Views, GROUP Functions, Indexes etc.
Here are the list which we mostly used in our daily database programming life in SQL Server
  1. SQL Statements
  2. SQL Clauses
1.      SELECT
a.       The most commonly used statement is SELECT. Which help to retrieve data from SQL Server Tables (Database). We need to pass specific column name or entire (*) result with this statement. Here are the example:
                                                              i.      SELECT column_name1, column_name2 FROM Table_Name (this is used to get only column1 and column2 records from Table)
                                                            ii.      SELECT * FROM Table_Name (this is used for get all the records from Table)
                    iii.   For example : (SELECT cName, vAddress FROM EmployeeTable)
2.      INSERT
a.       The insert statement is used to add record(s) into table. Here are the ways how we can add records.
                                                              i.      INSERT  INTO Table_Name (column1, column2) VALUES (‘ved’,’pathak’)
                                                            ii.      INSERT INTO Table_Name VALUES (‘ved’,’pathak’)
                    iii.   For example : (INSERT INTO EmployeeTable(FName, LName) VALUES (‘ved’,’pathak’)
3.      UPDATE
a.       This is mostly used statement in SQL, if we want to update (modify) existing records into our table(s), we use this statement.
                                                              i.      UPDATE Table_Name SET column1 = ‘new value’ WHERE condition
                      ii.   For Example: UPDATE EmployeeTable SET FName = ‘ved R’ WHERE empId = 102
                                                          iii.      The above statement we used where clause because if we don’t then all rows will be updated. You need to take precaution while updating the records. Use where clause to update only those records which you want.
4.      DELETE
a.       This is one of also most usable statements in SQL; this is used if you want to remove records from your table.
                                                              i.      DELETE FROM Table_Name WHERE condition
                      ii.   For Example: DELETE FROM EmployeeTable WHERE empId = 102
                                                          iii.      The above statement we used where clause because if we don’t then it will remove all rows. You need to take precaution while deleting the records. Use where clause to delete only those records which you want.
5.      CREATE
a.       This statement is used to create table in SQL Server.
                                                              i.      CREATE Table_Name (column_Id dataType identity(seeds,increment) NULL | NOT NULL, column_Name dataType NULL| NOT NULL)
                      ii.   CREATE EmployeeTable (empId identity(100,1) NOT NULL, FName varchar(100) NOT NULL,  LName varchar(100) NULL)
                                                          iii.      In the above syntax, I have written the code how to generate the Table. There are few things you need to know identity  - Unique value to increment with, NULL or NOT NULL whether column value should be NULL or NOT NULL.
6.      ALTER
a.       This is to modify table structure after table creation
                                                              i.      ALTER Table Table_Name ADD Column DataType
                                                            ii.      To add the city column into Employee table, ALTER TABLE EmployeeTable ADD City varchar(25)
7.      TRUNCATE
a.       TRUNCATE removes all rows from a table. The operation cannot be rolled back and no triggers will be fired on action. TRUNCATE is faster and doesn't use as much undo space as a DELETE.
                                                              i.      TRUNCATE Table Table_Name
                                                            ii.      TRUNCATE Table Employee_Table syntax will removed all the records and empty the table.
8.      DROP
a.       Drop Statement is used to Drop the tables from the database. It removes all the data from particular tables and tables itself.
b.      Be careful while using DROP Statement, It will removed all relationship from other tables and no more usable in database.
c.       DROP TABLE Table_Name
d.      DROP Table Employee_Table

SQL Clause:

9.       WHERE
a.       Is commonly used to filter the record in SQL Server. If you want to retrieve specific record(s) from the table, you can use WHERE clause. It filters records as per your condition and retrieves only those.
b.      SELECT * FROM Table_Name WHERE column1 = ‘your condition’
c.       SELECT * from Employee_Table WHERE FName = 'ved'
d.      The above statement will retrieve only those records which is having ‘ved’ as First Name
a.       This statement is used to keep your records into order. This statements sort your records in Ascending or Descending order by specified column name.
b.      SELECT * FROM Table_Name ORDER BY Column_Name ASC | DESC
c.       SELECT * from Employee_Table ORDER BY FName ASC
a.       The statement is used to along with the group functions to retrieve data grouped according to one or more columns.
b.      SELECT column1, function FROM Table_Name Group By colum1
c.       SELECT FName, SUM (salary)FROM Employee_Table GROUP BY FName
d.      The above statement will display sum of salary  group by employee First Name
a.       Having clause is used to filter data based on the group functions. This is similar to WHERE condition but is used with group functions. Group functions cannot be used in WHERE Clause but can be used in HAVING clause
b.      SELECT column1, column2 FROM Table_Name GROUP BY column1, column2 HAVING SUM(salary) > 20000
c.       SELECT FName, Salary FROM EmployeeMaster GROUP BY empName, salary HAVING SUM(Salary) > 20000
d.      The above statement will retrieve the records whose employee having sum of the salary greater than 20000

NOTE: Thease all are only basics statements which is widely used in our daily life in SQL Server. There are also many more like JOINS, CONSTRAINTS, RULES, INDEXES, VIEWS Sub Queries Functions etc. We will discuss later on thease topics. Meanwhile you can enjoy your SQL Programming.
