Hello Friends,
As Programmer your role is not just to write the code and run the application, for a good programming skills and better understating codes you should follow some tips like Naming convention, comments, and variable declaration etc.
Here are few points I have gathered and collected for you, how we should do coding and use naming convention. Here in our code we use Pascal Casing and Camel Casing.
Pascal Casing - First character of all words are Upper Case and other characters are lower case.
ex: EmpMaster
Camel Casing - First character of all words, except the first word are Upper Case and other characters are lower case.
ex: empMaster
Pascal casing: used for class Name and method Name
//This is my Class and single line comments example
public class HelloWorld
/*This is my Method and
multi line comments example
void SayHello(string name)
Camel casing: used for variables and methods parameter
int inttotalCount = 0;
void SayHello(string strname)
string strMessage = "Hello " + strname;
Use Meaningful, descriptive words to name variables. Do not use abbreviations.
string strName --good practice
int intAge --good practice
string strNam --bad practice
int intAg --bad practice
Prefix for Controls Ids
Always use proper prefix for control here are the few examples:
Control Prefix Example
Label lbl lblName
TextBox txt txtName
DropDownList ddl ddlCity
CheckBox chk chkTerms
RadioButton rbt rbtMale
GridView grv grvCustomer