Go to Create New Item in your existing project
1.Select LinQ to SQL Classes >> Click Add
2.Go to Server Explorer >> Data Connections >> Add Connection >> Server
Name >>DataBase Name
3.Drag your table in (data classes).dbml as per your working table.
4.Create new Page called LinQ.aspx
A. Write the code below code in your page (.aspx)
B. Write the code below code in your page (.aspx.cs)
1.Declare Namespace as using System.Linq;
B.Declare dbml Referecne as below.
public partial class LINQ : System.Web.UI.Page
DataClassesDataContext objDAL = new DataClassesDataContext(); //LINQ to SQL
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
//bind News
private void bindNews()
//using DataTable object
var dt = objDAL.objNews.Where(tt => tt.delstatus.Equals("N")).Take(5);
//get only 5 Result as per your wish change no or Remove if you don't want.
gvNews.DataSource = dt;
// Using Qyery
Below is the selected column list you want to show in gridview according to their
date in descending order
/* var varNews = from LN in objDAL.objNews
orderby LN.creation_dt descending
select new
Heading = LN.Heading,
ShortDesc = LN.Short_description,
CreationDt = LN.creation_dt
gvNews.DataSource = varNews;
//Submit Data in your table
protected void lnkSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strName = "ved pathak";
bool delStatus = true;
testtable testAdd = new testtable //Add Method
cName = strName,
DelStatus = delStatus
//To update data as per your primary key (here considered as id)
protected void lnkUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
testtable testUpdt = objDAL.testtables.Single(testup=> testup.id==1);
testUpdt.cName = "Husnain";
testUpdt.DelStatus = false;
Enjoy Programming
1.Select LinQ to SQL Classes >> Click Add
2.Go to Server Explorer >> Data Connections >> Add Connection >> Server
Name >>DataBase Name
3.Drag your table in (data classes).dbml as per your working table.
4.Create new Page called LinQ.aspx
A. Write the code below code in your page (.aspx)
B. Write the code below code in your page (.aspx.cs)
1.Declare Namespace as using System.Linq;
B.Declare dbml Referecne as below.
public partial class LINQ : System.Web.UI.Page
DataClassesDataContext objDAL = new DataClassesDataContext(); //LINQ to SQL
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
//bind News
private void bindNews()
//using DataTable object
var dt = objDAL.objNews.Where(tt => tt.delstatus.Equals("N")).Take(5);
//get only 5 Result as per your wish change no or Remove if you don't want.
gvNews.DataSource = dt;
// Using Qyery
Below is the selected column list you want to show in gridview according to their
date in descending order
/* var varNews = from LN in objDAL.objNews
orderby LN.creation_dt descending
select new
Heading = LN.Heading,
ShortDesc = LN.Short_description,
CreationDt = LN.creation_dt
gvNews.DataSource = varNews;
//Submit Data in your table
protected void lnkSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strName = "ved pathak";
bool delStatus = true;
testtable testAdd = new testtable //Add Method
cName = strName,
DelStatus = delStatus
//To update data as per your primary key (here considered as id)
protected void lnkUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
testtable testUpdt = objDAL.testtables.Single(testup=> testup.id==1);
testUpdt.cName = "Husnain";
testUpdt.DelStatus = false;
Enjoy Programming